Saturday, June 26, 2010

DAY 7 - June 26
  • We had our first sleep in since hitting the road enjoying the rain on the caravan roof.
  • Our lazy morning didn't last long once Geoff checked our tent. It was soaked INSIDE and out!! Our air bed that we had also set up and put in the tent was also wet. So very very glad we weren't sleeping in it.... so we rushed to the shops to buy a new tent before they closed at 12 noon. The photo below is Geoff (aka Bear Grills) cutting up the tent for what he thought might be useful supplies...

  • We also discovered when we walked outside the van that morning that the awning on the caravan was bend like a banana as it was full of water!! We both agreed it was only minutes until the whole thing came crashing down under the weight of the water. From now on we put the awning on an angle so water can run off :)
  • We love cairns and can't wait to spend some more time here after our Cape York adventure.
  • We spent most of the day driving around Cairns buying things we need for our trip and then packing the car...
Tonight we had our first cane toad sighting at the caravan park.... minutes later he was destroyed by a golf club...
Nah... just kidding. He lives another day.
Geoff requested that I please include the close up photo of our friendly antenna moth so you can actually see his eyes... must be a guy thing.
News update: geoff just informed me the cane toad was actually smashed by a box when I wasn't looking!!

Tomorrow we are driving about 6.5 hours North to Lakefield National Park to meet up with 3 other couples that we are doing a 10 day trip to Cape York with. So we probably wont be able to blog until we are back (around 6th July I think). 

DAY 6 - June 25
  • We spent the day in Cairns shopping, packing and getting ready for our Cape York trip. We set up our tent (that hadn't been used for quite a few years) to check it out and all seemed well. We left it up overnight. 
  • Amanda cooked for dinner corned beef with white sauce, mashed potato and green beans which Geoff praised and said was one of the best meals she had ever made :) 
  • Geoff made cold-rock ice cream with choc mint slice biscuits for dessert SO SO GOOD... you should totally try it.


  1. Sounds like you did a great job with the corned beef, Amanda. Will be worth doing again!

  2. Loving reading about your trip guys :) Funny stuff!! You cooked Manda, well done.. Just kidding, sounds great :) So how is the new tent, make sure you keep those crocs out!! Ah! Enjoy and catch heaps of fish... Love Aims & Rod
